Sophie's Adventures in Ghana

Friday, December 15, 2006

Chicken Fried Brain

Hello my darlings!

I warn you right from the get-go that I will keep it short brain is completely fried, and I doubt that I can muster up the energy to write more than a few paragraphs, if even. I spent the day at a wonderful event, put on by my good friend Lidvina, a CUSO volunteer working at judicial services here in Accra. For over two months, she has been preparing today's event, a workshop on women and children's access to justice. With various stakeholders present, from NGOs, to ministries, to lawyers and judges, we were able to examine a number of interesting issues pertaining to women and their recourse to the law (and/or lack thereof), issues which feed quite directly into my academic field(s) of interest. In addition to delivering a short short presentation on the intersections of HIV/AIDS and legal issues, I was also assigned the prestigious title of notetaker, so basically proceeded to scribble in my notebook for a good 10 hours. And so it is that my hand is now sore, as are my eyes and come to think of it, my brain too.

Otherwise, I had a good week, dedicated to planning the upcoming Orphan and Vulnerable Children Christmas Party (quite a catchy name, don't you think?) On that note, I wanted to take this blogging occasion to thank all of you for your incredibly generous support, which will allow us to host a fantastic event for about 100 children plus their caretakers. There will be music, dancing, food and gifts for everyone...a lovely celebration for these little souls who so very much deserve it. I have been really touched by the support I have received from my peoples back in Canada, and I cannot begin to express to you how grateful and thankful I am.

All right, I think that's it. I feel like I am trying to extract juice from a dried up, shrivelled little fruit, and so I assume it is probably better to let my brain rest for the remainder of the evening, such that I can return to my blog more inspired than ever before. Nevertheless, I still wanted to post at least a little something, cause I certainly don't want to let you down, of faithful Friday readers. I will try to return to ghanagogo over the course of the weekend, fill you in on additional details about my week and maybe even upload a few pictures cause I think this blog needs a bit of color!

I miss you all.
Much love,


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