Busy Bees, Jubilees and Boring Blog Entries
Well, I’m certainly not feeling as inspired as I did last week, so it looks like it will be a short and possibly boring entry today. My sister (aka the Baboon Duchess…what, she started it!) long gone, it’s been back to reality for me. And as is usually the case when one returns from a holiday, the transition has been a bit rough. First, I suffered from an acute case of demotivation accompanied by symptomatic chronic procrastination. The condition soon mutated into a serious bout of questioning and reconsideration, with a severe and rather painful attack of what’s, why’s and what for’s. In addition to these more esoteric aches, I also came down with some strange unidentified physical ailment (not malaria though I tested for it twice). The latter kept me in bed for a few days with fever and the worst headache of my life, which no amount of advil seemed capable of numbing (watch as I get sued by Wyeth). Oh, how I have suffered!
But thankfully, this is all in the past. My post-vacation and Eve withdrawal symptoms slowly subsiding, I have been able to reclaim my (mostly) content, motivated and headacheless self. Which is good because I had a pretty busy week, attending a workshop on access to justice for women and children on Monday and Tuesday, followed by another workshop on female condom promotion on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday were devoted to taking care of business in all its forms and formalities, and writing extensive notes about the said workshops. And so it that another Friday evening has rolled around, bringing with it the promise of rest and relaxation (and I think I need it seeing that my brain hurts and that my capacity to focus long enough to write an adequate blog entry seems to be seriously impaired.)
And what about my social life, ask you eagerly oh faithful subjects of my regal baboon self? Hmmmm…where do I begin? On Monday, I went to bed at 9:30, Tuesday at 10, Wednesday I watched a few episodes of Lost (I’ve started season two) and then Thursday I watched some more episodes of Lost (that show sure is addictive). As you can see, it’s not because one is living in Ghana that life is that much more exciting! I’m certainly not complaining, but just trying to infuse a bit of reality into the imaginings you may have of me sitting under the palm trees by the ocean, sipping Pina Coladas from cracked coconuts with little paper umbrellas in them. Nope, even Baboon Queens have routines…and it’s not cause you're writing it in Africa that your blog will be that much more titillating.
I am hoping that by next week, I will have some more exciting news to share with you…I believe this is quite likely since Tuesday marks the 50th anniversary of Ghana’s independence (and btw, Ghana was the first African country to achieve independence), a momentous event which has been causing quite the stir in the country. There will be parades, presidential addresses, music, dancing and a civic holiday on Tuesday and Wednesday to allow everyone to partake in these celebrations. I’m not sure what I will be doing exactly, but regardless, I am still very happy and fortunate to be here to share in this important occasion.
So on that note, I’ll finish my blog entry by wishing Ghana a very happy 50th birthday and encouraging you to do the same. Please feel free to send gifts in the form of jewelry, size 8 women’s clothing, gossip magazines, chocolate and cd’s to my mailing address….I’ll make sure that they end up in the right hands (hihihi….)
As always, you are in my thoughts.
Ps: Being the novice blogger that I am, I didn’t realize that I needed to moderate comments to be able to see them or for them to be posted on the blog. So my apologies for totally ignoring your comments for the past months, and rest assured it's not personal, it's purely incompetential!
Pps: You may remember last week's discussion of a certain long-legged Angelina (not to be confused with the Brangelina Angelina...watch as I get sued again!). Well she seemed to arouse in you quite the powerful emotions (alas ours is an arachnaphobic society) so I thought I might go ahead and post a lil picture of our sweet furry friend for your viewing pleasure. You can't really tell her size from the picture (and god knows neither Eve nor I were going to get close enough to put a ruler next to her), but if I was using my pocket knife as a weapon against her possible attacks, well it should give you an idea...when's the last time you met an insect that was of stabbing proportions?
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