Sophie's Adventures in Ghana

Thursday, December 28, 2006

A Very Happy New Year!

My Lovelies

Well Christmas came and went, and I am still not 100% convinced that we are in December. Even hosting my first Christmas eve supper with my roomies Ranjith and Nao didn’t manage to convince me… maybe in part because it took place in the garden under the Christmas palm tree, and as opposed to the more “traditional” Turkey and potatoes, we served mutton biryani and lentil curry. Even my habitual Christmas cold (apparently chest-cold bugs thrive as much in the cold Canadian winter as they do in Ghana’s tropical climate) didn’t manage to fool me, though it did convince me to lie in bed and take advantage of my time off work to rest and relax amidst painful coughing fits. But now, I am all fixed and ready to partake in the second round of celebrations, namely New Years on the Beach! My bags are packed and I anxiously await tomorrow morning, when Gislain and Jacques will wisk me away to the Safari Lodge for a good four days of lounging around in the sand and taking the occasional dip in the ocean to cool down from all that sunbathing exertion. Though it’s tough to spend the holidays so far from home, at the same time, I can’t complain too much because…well, I get to spend New Year’s Eve on the beach! It will be nice to escape Accra for a few days too, because even though I really do love this city, the constant movement, traffic and crowds do get a bit heavy from time to time.

I’m afraid I’ll have to keep it very short today, because I have to run off and meet Tim in a few minutes. But I did want to post a little something to tell you that I am thinking of you and missing you all a lot, and above all to wish you A VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR! May 2007 bring you much love, friendship, joy, health, success and all those other good things.

I will be back in touch next week with a report about my exciting beach adventures, and hopefully a few pictures too. In the meantime, I wish you all the best for these last days of 2006 and for the New Year that is upon us.

Much Love


At 2:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy New Year to you, too! I can't wait to hear about your New Year's Eve on the beach... sounds like fun!
Talk to you soon, my dear.

At 6:10 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

bonne année cousine!!! moi non plus durant la semaine que j'ai passé à Cuba je n'étais pas dutout convaincue que l'on était en Décembre... tout me portait à croire que c'était l'été!!!
je suis sure que toi et Ève allez passer de super vacances au Ghana ensembles.

At 1:14 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Sophie

Looks like you are right in your element in Ghana. I hope this year brings lots of peace and joy for you and many bleessing take care. SueAnn

At 11:31 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok - New Years on the beach absolutely rocks! I hope you had a fantastic time and enjoyed yourself : ). Missing you lots but love hearing about your adventures! Love, Michelle


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