Sophie's Adventures in Ghana

Wednesday, April 04, 2007

And they called it puppy love…

You must be curious to find out what could possibly lead me to disrupt the otherwise peaceful balance of my blogging schedule and dare to both miss a Friday and post on a Wednesday (oh my, the sacrilege!). Well, my darlings, the answer is clear and simple: I am in love.

We had met a few months back, but it’s only over the past few days that our relationship has really caramelized into something more serious and meaningful. His name is Alfred. He’s originally from Mexico, and was living in Canada before coming to Accra. He’s cute as a button, smart as a zipper (?), loves food and has the most beautiful big brown eyes you’ve ever seen. Sure, he’s also in a relationship, but I don’t really mind because I’ve also gone and fallen head over heels for his significant other, Philomene, equally as charming and beautiful. We’ve been spending our days and nights together, watching movies, cuddling and just enjoying each other’s company. Now before you go and start getting all these crazy (and possibly dirty) ideas, I should probably specify that the object(s) of my affection are four-legged (each) and probably weigh a whopping combined total of 30 lbs, if even. They are Jacques and Gislain’s chihuahas, though I’m considering staging an elaborate dog-napping scheme, such that they will in fact become MY chihuahas.

Their friend Brad visiting from Ottawa, Jacques and Gislain have set off on a cross-Ghana caravan tour, leaving a mansion and two precious little creatures to be cared for. Being the generous and giving souls that we are, Melinda and I volunteered to take on the daunting task of house/Chihuahua-sitting. Sure, it’s not easy, but someone’s gotta do it. And so it is that since this week-end, we’ve left the comfort of our little rooms and grimy under-stocked kitchen to settle into a two-storey/three bedroom complex, complete with pimped-out kitchen, washing machines (bye-bye buckets!) and entertainment room (large television, huge DVD collection and even an X-box, though the estrogen levels in my body prevent me from fully appreciating the excitement of this latter gadjet). Add to this the loveliest, most well-behaved, low-maintenance and affectionate puppy-dogs, and you end up with something quite close to heaven (Belinda Carlisle was right).

And the worst part in all of this, is that after a strenuous week looking after their luxurious home and charming chihuahas, we get to go and meet up with Jacques, Gislain and Brad at the Safari Beach Lodge. Yes, the same Safari Beach Lodge where I rang in the New Year, under a starry sky overlooking the ocean, belly filled with James’ amazing Texan fine-dining (yes, apparently there is such a thing). We’ll be going from Friday to Monday, though I am considering offering my services as bucket-laundry-woman (I’ve developed quite an expertise in the last months) and staying there permanently. I’m sure my parents and supervisory committee will understand.

So needless to say that life is and continues to be rather sweet. And for the cherry: my itchy-skin-sister Pamela has given me some hardcore cortisone cream to treat my leprosy, and I am a few scabs away from being completely rash-free! If it weren’t for those fifteen pounds I’ve gained since being on the Accra-Beach diet (pretty much the anti-thesis of the South Beach diet), I’d be pretty excited at the prospect of spending the weekend parading around in my bikini.

So my lovelies, I will be back in touch next week with a full report of my beach-side adventures.

Until then, I send much love from this little piece of heaven on earth.

Gros bisous mes zoiseaux xxx


At 7:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


It's terrific to hear from you. I love reading the updates about your adventures, and I look forward to hearing about your research experience. I also realized the other day that it's only a couple of short months before you return to Calgary... can't wait to have an old friend back in the city...

Keep writing, my well-spoken friend!

At 3:21 PM, Blogger Julia said...

hi sophie!
miss you! i love reading your blog...i feel like i get to experience a bit of your time over there. can't wait to see you again soon.
lots of love and a biiiiig hug,


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